

This section is meant as a supplemental information guide as it expands on the terms and conditions outlined in the Oakl及大学宿舍 contract. 大学宿舍提供的服务, 房间入住和更改程序, 以及食品服务信息在本节中更详细地概述.


All 大学的宿舍 meal plans give students the opportunity to eat at any time at any Chartwells food service operation on campus. 这些行动包括:


This mobile dining facility located on the first floor of 山顶 Hall offers students the opportunity to order meals using the Transact Mobile Ordering App. 食物可以在山顶餐厅领取, 学生可以在哪里吃饭和社交.

这家自助餐厅风格的餐饮设施设有一个所有你照顾吃的菜单在一个舒适的, 位于东范登堡大厅二楼的现代和便利的位置.

美食广场位于奥克兰中心. 小酒馆, 清真小屋, 瘦鸡, 在这个食品服务设施中,学生可以选择的商店包括灰熊街的潜水艇.

蜂巢, 位于山顶 Hall的主大厅, 总是挤满了喜欢喝星巴克咖啡的学生, 手工三明治, 好项目, 还有便利店的好处.

Tilly’s is located on the second floor of 橡树的观点 Hall and features a convenience store as well as sandwiches, 汤和咖啡.

每个住在宿舍的学生都必须选择一份膳食计划. The 山顶 and 范登堡食堂s are the primary food facilities for residence hall students. 它们也向教员开放, 工作人员, 客人和非寄宿学生以现金为基础或通过自愿膳食计划. 膳食计划旨在提供不同程度的灵活性. 膳食计划与住房合同结合在一起, 食物计划的费用也包含在住房账单中. 每个基本计划包括五顿客人餐,学生们可以用它招待朋友, 家庭成员或其他客人. 升级后的套餐包括8份宾客餐. 

All 大学的宿舍 meal plans give students the opportunity to eat at any Chartwells food service operation on campus. 

The university agrees to provide two different meal plan options for residents on room and board contracts. 学校不需要为学期中错过的餐费提供补贴.

Students who become ill and who wish to avoid spreading illness to the campus community may utilize 大学的宿舍's Sick Meal Pick-Up process to make arrangements for a meal.

学生可完成 生病餐食领取申请表 指定另一个人代表他们取餐. The designated pick-up person will need to select food from the items that are available in the dining hall that particular day. 我们要求那个生病的学生 访问校园餐饮网站 记下菜单上的菜单,并与指定的接餐员沟通自己的喜好.

请注意,每一餐都需要单独的表格. 表格的副本将通过电子邮件发送给患病学生 奥克兰.edu 与指定的接机人员共享的电子邮件,并作为请求的记录. 请确保饭菜是在 餐厅营业时间广告.

Residents are required to present their university identification card each time they enter a dining hall. Residents may be subject to disciplinary action as well as assessed a service charge if they fail to present identification; throw food; remove food, 饮料, 菜, silverware or other food service equipment from the dining room; leave 菜 on tables; cut in line; or do not comply with a reasonable directive given by a university 工作人员 member.


洗衣机只供住户使用. 操作机器不需要钱或代币. Mechanical difficulties with washers and dryers should be reported to University Maintenance using the E-maintenance system. 您可以提交电子维护请求 在我们的网站上. 不要把你的物品和/或衣服留在洗衣房无人看管.


寄往宿舍的邮件服务, 如果收到的信件地址正确,公寓和别墅将是最有效的. 你可以找到大楼地址的完整列表 在我们的网站上.

周末、节假日或大学放假期间不提供邮件服务. 学生必须用房间钥匙从邮箱里取邮件. 前台接待员不会越过柜台分发邮件, 他们也不接受货到付款.

包裹会被送到哈姆林, 山顶, 橡树的观点, 和范登堡服务台, 以及大学学生公寓办公室. 领取包裹时,请携带带照片的身份证件.

以确保您的邮件将在您退房后被转发, 请更新您在My Sail帐户中的地址. 请注意,只有USPS发送的邮件可以转发. UPS、FedEx和DHL的包裹不能转寄. 


All pest problems should be reported to University Maintenance using the E-maintenance system or the trouble hotline at (248) 370-2954 as soon as detected. 您可以提交电子维护请求 在我们的网站上 这所大学与灭虫员签订了防治害虫的合同. 禁止使用灭虫喷雾剂和灭虫弹.


哈姆林服务台位于哈姆林大厅四楼的主大堂区域. 哈姆林服务台的电话是(248)370-2953. 

The 山顶 Service Desk is located on the third floor of 山顶 Hall in the main lobby area. 山顶服务台的电话号码是(248)370-3984. 

橡树景观服务台位于建筑的主入口内, 在主休息室里面. 橡树的观点服务台的电话号码是(248)370-4491. 

The Vandenberg Service Desk is located on the first floor of Vandenberg Hall between the two towers. 范登堡服务台的电话是(248)370-2886. 

大学学生公寓服务台位于安五楼4000号楼. 尼科尔森公寓. 学生公寓服务台的电话是(248)370-2581.

谁住过Van Wagoner House谁住过.


周一至周五:上午10点.m.-7 p.m.

周一至周五:上午10点.m. - 7 p.m.


On-campus residents who need to dispose of needles or other sharps are now able to check out a personal sharps container from the Service Desk in their community. 一旦容器被装满, 可在范登堡大厅服务台兑换或交回.  我们要求在学期结束时归还所有的容器.   

学生需要使用锋利的容器可能有各种各样的原因. 升音的例子包括: 

  • 针头-用于皮下注射药物的空心针头. 
  • 注射器-用于向体内注射药物或从体内取出液体的装置. 
  • 长矛(也称为“指棍”装置)-带有短, 两刃的刀片,用来采集血液进行检测.

这个试点项目是由格雷厄姆健康中心创建的, 环境健康和安全方案, 及大学宿舍. 感谢住宿生活协会, 残疾学生委员会, 以及Transcend,因为他们倡导向校园居民提供这一资源. 


哈姆林楼的计算机实验室仅供住校学生使用. 实验室里的计算机被设计成在重新启动时清除所有新数据和更改. 因此,不建议保存到计算机. 宿舍不负责任何丢失的学生资料.

打印由校园WEPA系统提供. 信息亭位于宿舍楼计算机实验室, 橡树的观点大堂和东范登堡(East Vandenberg)主入口附近的餐厅.

除了常驻计算机实验室, there are public computers available for student use in the main lobbies of 山顶 and 橡树的观点 Hall. 这些工作站是根据其所在建筑物的营业时间提供的. 如果你对橡树景大厅或希尔克雷斯特大厅的任何技术有任何问题, 请联系大学住房技术帮助台.


The 大学的宿舍 技术帮助台 is a service offered by 大学的宿舍 to all students living on campus. The Helpdesk exists to assist students with any technological problems that they might encounter while using the university’s network or their own personal computing devices.


  • 协助连接个人电脑, 游戏设备, 智能手机, e-readers and other network-enabled devices to both the wired and wireless networks in the residence halls and student apartments
  • 试图从学生电脑中删除病毒和恶意软件
  • 协助将365英国上市官网的电子邮件同步到智能手机或平板电脑
  • 技术采购建议
  • 哈姆林霍尔计算机实验室的技术支持
  • 小型硬件安装和维修
  • 为住房部辅助办公室提供桌面支持

The 技术帮助台 is located in 423 Hamlin Hall, and can be contacted at (248) 370-2534 or (电子邮件保护).


大多数宿舍都有自动售货机区. Continuation of vending machine services is wholly dependent upon nonabusive treatment of the machines. 在自动售货机上丢失的钱可以到学生事务处认领, 星期一至星期五, 9点到9点之间.m. 还有5p.m.


大学的宿舍 provides wired network ports for student use in all of the residence halls and student apartments*. Students will need a wired network adapter for whatever device they wish to connect to the wired port, 以及一根5e类网线. The wired ports are the fastest and most form of connectivity; as such, it is recommended that students who have access to wired ports take advantage of them as often as possible.



All of the residence halls and student apartments have access to the 大学的宿舍 wireless network. 我们所有的阿鲁巴无线接入点都是802.11ac的能力和广播在2.4Ghz和5Ghz频率. 由于2 .的技术限制.4Ghz无线网络,强烈建议学生用802连接.11ac adapter for their wireless devices in order to take advantage of the performance benefits of the 5Ghz wireless technology. OU不能保证2上业务的可靠性和一致性.4Ghz WiFi网络.


如果你住的房间里有无线网络设备(如.e., a wireless access point) please be advised you are prohibited from tampering with the device in any way. Students who are found to be tampering with wireless equipment will be held responsible for any damage to the unit, 并将面临纪律处分.

Wireless streaming from “device to device” for most multimedia services (such as Chromecast devices) is unavailable over the wireless network. 如果您不确定您的设备是否会在无线网络上流式传输, 请联系大学住房技术帮助台获取更多信息.

1 and 2 mbps data rates are disabled on the 大学的宿舍 wireless network to promote faster network speeds for all users. Any devices that require these data rates to connect to a wireless network will be unable to do so. This includes the Nintendo Wii; however, there are several inexpensive adapters for the Wii system that will allow the Wii to connect to the networks wired ports, 如果有.

Students may not change the existing Internet service package by purchasing and installing any broadband Internet services in their rooms, 因为它违反了365英国上市官网的网络使用政策. 违反此政策将导致司法诉讼.

If at any time you are experiencing trouble with your network connection in the residence halls or student apartments, 请联系住房技术帮助台. 帮助台位于423 Hamlin Hall,可致电(248)370-2534或 (电子邮件保护).


(248) 370-3570

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.